Hamburg on your own fist

Virtual Walking Tour

From the church Michel to the City Hall

Bild: Der Hummel-Bummel Mann



 While browsing the Internet I came across the page "unguided walking tour": The Bumblebee stroll.

You can also see the Neustadt on Google Street View from the home PC or work virtually: www.groß discover.



And that was our tour:

Michaeliskirche - The Michel

We chose the walking tour from the landmark of Hamburg, (simply called Michel) to start at the Michaelis Church.

Bild: Die "Tandenden Türme" auf der Reeperbahn.




When crossing the Willy-Brandt-Street we saw the "Dancing Towers" at the beginning of the Reeperbahn.


On Großneumarkt we find the first signs in the "Red line". The idea is great. It's fun attentively follow the red line and is proud when one has discovered a blackboard. Up on a blackboard, they are unfortunately only in German. They should change this.

Bild: Neanderstraße 22 - Lichtwarksaal
Neanderstraße 22 mit dem Lichtwarksaal der Carl-Toepfer-Stiftung


Unfortunately, the red line is already partly so pale that it is tiring to see him. After Großneumarkt we go through the Neanderstraße and at home 22 over the Lichtwarksaal the Carl Toepfer Foundation and the Peter Street, where the Johannes Brahms Museum is located.


Near the museum you will find a narrow passage where you can read something about about the Gängeviertel and look at old pictures showing how it has been there in the past. Here you have a view of beautifully restored houses rows and the bottom info panel. Too bad that you do not get more informations why the houses were separated by 2 m.

Bild: Schild an einer Häuserreihe
Bild: Ehemalige Soldatenwohnungen "Bei den Hütten"
Bild: Hütten

Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte

From the Museum of Hamburg History, we go through the Wallanlagen pasing the skating / roller rink and the district court building and the statue of Wilhelm I. to Johannes Brahms Square and Laiszhalle. This is again a starting point for the Bumblebee stroll sightseeing.


Now, instead of going almost back, we now no longer follow the red line, but go from here to Bäckerbreitergang and from there into the Gängeviertel.


From the Gängeviertel we go to the Caffamacherreihe, New ABC-Straße, ABC-Straße and in the Post Road at Gerhofstrasse, Große Bleiche, Neuer Wall pass until the Rathausmarkt.

After our city walk we go into the cinema in the passage, before we go back home.